New Edits and Some FREE Apps!

Here are a few images from my Instagram feed.  If you’re on Instagram and would like to follow me, you can find me @gericentonze.
App Recipes are includes on some of the images.
© geri centonze
The more I experiment with abstract art, the more I love it!
App Recipe – Decim8, PhotoArista Oil, Glaze, Vintique, ScratchCam FX
Chevrolet Bel Air with HDR effect
A great old Chevrolet Bel Air I saw on my walk yesterday.
Reflection iphoneography
I saw my reflection in our front loading washing machine and thought this would make an interesting photo.
App Recipe – ProCamera, Simply B&W, Sketch Club, Vintique, Snapseed
Street Photography
I snagged this shot of the man next to me at Subway yesterday.
Santa Monica boardwalk iphoneography
On the boardwalk in Santa Monica.  This was created from two photos.  The image of the blurred background figures was shot in SlowShutter.  The foreground people were shot with ProCamera. I then combined the images in Sketch Club using layers and made the foreground figures slightly transparent to give the feeling of movement.
SlowShutter, ProCamera, Sketch Club, PS Express, Snapseed
street photography © geri centonze
And now for one of today’s FREE apps.  Here’s Kyoobik Photo by JixiPix Software.
Kyoobik Photo
I didn’t have a lot of time to experiment with this, but I ran the photo of the Bel Air (above) through a couple of the settings – results below.
Edit with Kyoobik AppEdit with Kyoobik AppEdit with Kyoobik AppEdit with Kyoobik App


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