Congratulations to the Winners of iPhone Camera Essentials

Congrats to:




Pam Arthur

Stephnie Cabrera



You are all winners of the 1 month free subscription to iPhone Camera Essentials.  Emails have been sent with instructions for claiming your prize.  Please contact me if you did not receive it.

If anyone is still interested in trying a one-month FREE subscription, please contact me with the email link on the sidebar.  There are still spaces left!

Featured Mobile Photographer–Nigel Gates

Nigel GatesStreet photography fascinates me.  I find the day to day images captured around the world of everyday people doing ordinary things quite beautiful.  Nigel Gates captures these images beautifully and even more than that he adds captions that delight, surprise and move me.
Nigel began his Instagram journey just six months ago.  He said it took him a while to find his style – but I’m oh so glad he did!  He’s doesn’t rely heavily on apps to get his stunning results, but instead uses Instagram’s built-in filters.  Apps he does use include Noir Photo for black and white.  Pic Grunger is great according to Nigel, even if you don’t want grunge effects but just to add some depth to a black and white image.  Snapseed is his go to app for cropping, targeting a particular element or playing with the exposure and contrast.  Squaready is Nigel’s choice when posting an image that not already cropped square.   
Enough talk…here is some of Nigel’s beautiful work.  Be sure to read the captions below (taken from his Instagram feed).
© Nigel Gates
“After just one glass, Anna could feel a warm glow…”
© Nigel Gates
“And it’s not cause I’ll be missing u that makes me fall apart, it’s just that I didn’t mean to break, no I didn’t mean to break you heart.”
© Nigel Gates
“Come on come on move a little closer.  Come on come on I want to hear you whisper.  Come on come settle down inside my love.”
© Nigel Gates
“Feel the steam all around me.”
© Nigel Gates
“The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world he didn’t exist.”
© Nigel Gates
“Rest your eyes her mother said. And let your dreams take you instead.”
© Nigel Gates
“The Powderpuff Girls and the Professor”
© Nigel Gates
“Mr. Jones pass me the bottle and believe in me…”
© Nigel Gates
“This is her last train to nowhere.  Somewhere is where she’s already been.”
© Nigel Gates
“Tintin the younger loves nothing more than ice cream with sprinkles.”
Find Nigel:  Instagram
All images in this feature are copyrighted property of Nigel Gates published on iART CHRONiCLES with the consent of the artist.

Featured Mobile Artists

Friday Favorites No. 5

Here again with another installment posting my favorite edits of the week.  I can usually pick out just five, but having a hard time this week because I wanted to share quite a few, so I’ve renamed this feature, Friday Favorites!
The Confidante ©geri centonze
The Confidante (Above)
App Recipe:  Shot with ProCamera, Edited with Snapseed
Portrait of a Woman ©geri centonze
Portrait of a Woman (Above)
App Recipe:  Shot with ProCamera, Edited with Artist’s Touch, Sketch Club, Filterstorm, Snapseed, Iris Photo Suite, Pic Grunger
Morning Dew ©geri centonze
Morning Dew (Above)
App Recipe:  Shot with ProCamera, Edited with Snapseed
Last Night of Summer ©geri centonze
Last Night of Summer (Above)
App Recipe: Shot with ProCamera, Edited with Iris Photo Suite, AutoPainter II, Sketch Club
Big Brother ©geri centonze
Big Brother (Above)
App Recipe:  Shot with ProCamera.  Edited with Camera Flash, iColorama, Snapseed, Sketch Club
Portrait of a Woman ©geri centonze
Portrait of a Woman (Above)
App Recipe: Shot with ProCamera. Edited with PicShop HD, Artist’s Touch, Lomora, Sketch Club, Snapseed 
Woman with Decorated Wheelchair ©geri centonze
Woman with Decorated Wheelchair (Above)
App Recipe:  Shot with ProCamera.  Edited with Artist’s Touch, Sketch Club, PS Express, Iris Photo Suite, Pic Grunger
Shadow Symphony ©geri centonze
Shadow Symphony (Above) 
App Recipe:  Shot with ProCamera.  Edited with Horror Cam, Sketch Club, Process, Pic Grunger, AHDR, LensLight
Portrait of a Man Reading ©geri centonze
Portrait of a Man Reading (Above)
App Recipe:  Shot with ProCamera.  Edited with Artist’s Touch, Iris Photo Suite, Snapseed
Roses ©geri centonze
Roses (Above)
App Recipe:  Shot with ProCamera.  Edited with Snapseed, Dramatic Black and White, Image Blender
Dental Office Waiting Room ©geri centonze
Dental Office Waiting Room (Above)
App Recipe: Shot with ProCamera.  Edited with Snapseed
©geri centonze
In times of trouble she turned her eyes toward heaven (Above)
App Recipe:  Shot with ProCamera.  Edited with Blur FX, Pixlr-o-matic, Snapseed, Decim8, Sketch Club

Featured on The App Whisperer

I knew this was coming, but not sure when.  It was a surprise this morning to find the interview I recently did with Joanne of The App Whisperer up today.  Hope you’ll check it out to find out more about my iPhoneography adventures!

A Day in the Life of Geri Centonze

iPhone Camera Essentials Giveaway!

Everyone loves a giveaway, especially me!  This time I’m happy to be on the giving end through the generosity of Guy Yang at The Beginner’s Lens.

Are you just getting started with iPhoneography?  Are confused with the overwhelming number of apps in the iTunes store?  Or would you just like to improve your iPhone photography skills? 

Guy and his team at The Beginner’s Lens have created a series of videos, iPhone Camera Essentials, and he’s offering TWENTY of my readers the chance to have unlimited access to all of the videos for ONE full month!  Yes, that’s right you’ll learn everything from the basics of shooting with your iPhone to HDR, Black & White, panoramas, photo montages and more!  Browse the complete video list here

Watch the introductory video below to find out more.

How to Enter:

Leave a comment below and let me know why you got interested in iPhoneography.  Be sure you leave contact information (if I can’t contact you through email, another name will be drawn)

Bonus Entry:

Tweet about the giveaway and leave a SEPARATE comment letting me know you Tweeted!

That’s it!  Entries posted after midnight Pacific Daylight Time on September 29th will not be included in the draw.

TWENTY WINNERS will be announced on September 30th.

Good Luck and Happy Snapping!

Parody of the new iPhone5

After all the hype over the release of the iPhone5 (which I haven’t purchased…at least not yet!), this parody gave me a few laughs.  So, I thought I’d start your Monday morning off with a smile – enjoy!

Ian Garrington–Mobile Artist Extraordinaire!

Ian GarringtonMy husband and I watch a singing competition called the X Factor.  The judges are looking for that certain something that sets one musical artist apart from the others. 
The photographic work of Ian Garrington (Instagram user name @iangarrington) definitely has the X Factor, X as in excellent!  I was drawn to the dramatic moods he portrays in his images all taken with his iPhone.  Ian only started posting on Instagram a few months ago and says, “It’s helped me rediscover my love of photography after letting it slip for a few years.”   The love for his work definitely shines through in his provocative images. 

© Ian Garrington

© Ian Garrington
© Ian Garrington
© Ian Garrington

© Ian Garrington

© Ian Garrington

© Ian Garrington

© Ian Garrington

© Ian Garrington

© Ian Garrington

© Ian Garrington

Ian’s list of favorite apps include Noir Photo, Pro Filter, ColorSplash, Dramatic Black and White and PictureShow.  He’s currently looking to simply his workflow and says “If I can’t create what I’m looking for using Snapseed then I’m probably over doing it.”
Thank you Ian for allowing me to share your beautiful images.  Please visit Ian’s site on Statigram or Ink361 or follow him on Instagram @iangarrington.
***UPDATED January 8, 2013***
Over at The App Whisperer Dilshad Corleone (@italianbrother) penned an article on his photographic journey and one particular comment on the article caught my eye.  It was posted by my Instagram “brother” Ian Garrington.  I thought that the comment along with a few of his latest images were worth sharing (I also added them to the feature I already posted on Ian). 
Ian says of his own photographic journey:
“My love of photography started back in the mid 90′s when treading the backpacker trail through Africa and Asia. The brand new camera I’d saved for and took with me, perished within the first week during a storm sailing to Zanzibar on a dhow. As with you I then resorted to cheap plastic cameras and disposables for the rest of my year long journey, but just could not stop snapping away at the amazing sights, scenes and people along the way. The results and quality were mixed and mainly still sit in an old box in the garage, but what was for sure was that I had become addicted to capturing images of street life and people.
Late 90′s I ended up in San Francisco where I purchased my first SLR and signed up for a correspondence course with New York Institute of Photography. It was enlightening but I started losing interest when it became more focused on the technicalities of studio lighting and the business of photography. I just wanted to be out on the streets snapping away which I continued to do. SF is an amazing place for capturing weird and wonderful characters who don’t mind having a big SLR pointed in their direction.
Kids then appeared and my time available for wandering the backstreets of the tenderloin and Mission became limited and my photo focus was directed towards cute pics of the little ones. I’ve got 1000′s of pics of them which I love but my photo bug slowly started fading away until 6 months ago when a friend showed me this new iPhone app called Instagram where people post their mobile phone pics. I was highly skeptical even though I’d owned an iPhone for a while, I’d never even considered using the piddly little ‘novelty’ camera that was built in for people who didn’t have or know how to use a ‘proper’ camera. How misguided I was!
What I’ve come to realize is that mobile photography is the enabler for me to capture the type of images I’ve always wanted to and typically been unable to due to the nature of a traditional SLR camera where anonymity is not straight forward if your looking for candid street shots. It allows me to focus on what’s really important which is the image and capturing the moment, rather than the quality of the camera and lens.
I’m now a born-again photography enthusiast thanks to my little phone and the inspiration of mobile artists such as yourself who validate this art form and show the possibilities.”

© Ian Garrington “...just remember, darling, it is pain that changes our lives.” ― Steve Martin, Shop girl (above)
© Ian Garrington
Queen of all she surveys (above)
© Ian Garrington
"I dressed and went for a walk - determined not to return until I took in what Nature had to offer." - Raymond Carver (above)
© Ian Garrington
"Life is full of misery, loneliness, and suffering - and it's all over much too soon." ~ Woody Allen. (above)
Find Ian:  Instagram
All images in this feature are copyrighted property of Ian Garrington published on iART CHRONiCLES with the consent of the artist.

Featured Mobile Artists

Flickr Studio for iPad–Today only FREE

Flickr Studio for iPadIf you have an iPad and an Flickr account, head over to the iTunes App Store today and download a FREE copy of Flickr Studio!  You’ll be saving $4.99!




Tap FX by Drop Mobile Coming Soon to the App Store

I can’t wait for this one!  I’ll be sure to post about it when it launches.  My wish is that Drop Mobile celebrates the launch with a FREE day!

Launch Day Discount on AppAlchemy–Save $4.00!

AppAlchemyDan Marcolina just launched AppAlchemy and to celebrate, it’s being offered on launch day for $4.99 a savings of $4.00 over the regular price.  If it’s anything like iPhoneObsessed, I’m going to learn a lot with the interactive style of the app.

Get yours before the price goes up!

AppAlchemy Feature Overview (coming soon) from dan marcolina on Vimeo.

A new interactive appBook on Experimental Photography Processes With iPhone Apps from the Author of the critically acclaimed iPhone Obsessed Series.

AppAlchemy is an appBook for the iPad and features overviews of Marcolina's 40 essential apps and 32 image formulas some with detailed step by step video tutorials.

Over 5 hours of video altogether. It also includes many, many resource links and examples of work based around each app by some of the worlds best iPhoneographers.

You will learn from one of the most experienced and recognized digital artist in iPhoneography today.
Cut through the clutter of over 8000 photography apps and be personally introduced to Marcolina's 40 essential apps in 8 categories including:

Production Apps, like Photoforge2 and Snapseed

Grunge Apps, like Vintage Scene and Modern Grunge

Light and Blur Apps, like Tiltshift and BigLens

Toon and Graphic Apps, like Decim8 and ToonPaint

Film Looks apps, like PlasticBullet and Dramatic Black & White

Camera Apps, like SlowShutter and CCD

HDR Apps, like Simply HDR and TrueHDR

Auto FXs Apps, like RetroCamera and Jazz

Dan gives you the inside secrets to be up and running in these apps explaining the most important creative strengths of each. But more importantly he gives you insights on how to think about picture taking, combining apps and pre-visualization for successful images.

As one of the early leaders in this new "Mobile Movement" and a recognized digital image designer/photographer for 25 years he also shares his thoughts on what sets iPhoneography apart from traditional photography and why he considers it an important shift in the art form.

Dan gives you detailed video instruction on how he assembled some of his favorite creations, and formulas for 32 of his recent images. Along with hand picking and displaying over 130 images from the most notable iPhoneographers from around the world as they pertain to each app.

And there is even a way to submit your work for inclusion in the live gallery or add your tricks and tips to a live discussion on each app. Many iphoneography resources, equipment and other tutorials are listed in a live interactive gallery.

Friday Favorites No. 4

Back again to share five of my favorite edits from this week.
Approaching Storm
Approaching Storm (Above) With an iPhone the only limits are your imagination.  This was taken on a clear sunny day – there wasn’t a cloud or bird in the sky.  Everything was added during the editing process.
App Recipe:  Shot with ProCamera.  Edited with VFX Studio, Dramatic Black and White, Sketch Club and Photo Copier.
Ordinary People © Geri Centonze
Ordinary People (Above) 
App Recipe:  Shot with ProCamera.  Edited with Noir Photo, Dramatic Black and White, Simply HDR, Filterstorm, Blur FX.
Starstruck © Geri Centonze
Starstruck (Above)
App Recipe:  Shot with ProCamera.  Edited with Dramatic Black and White, Sketch Club, Process, PS Express and Snapseed.
© Geri Centonze
Portrait (Above)
App Recipe:  Shot with ProCamera.  Edited with Artists Touch, Sketch Club and Snapseed.
© Geri Centonze
George Santayana Quote (Above)
App Recipe:  Shot with ProCamera.  Edited with King Camera, Snapseed, The Amazing Type-Writer, Sketch Club

Have you updated your iPhone to iOS 6?

Yesterday was the day that iOS 6 became available for download for your Apple devices.  If you don’t have your device set to update via the cloud, you’ll have to connect your device to your computer to download from iTunes.

Here’s a video overview that is quite helpful to explain some of the best new features.

Two Free Apps–for a Limited Time

Two Freebies you’ll want to add to your iPhone camera bag.

Pro Filter 4Pro Filter is one that I’ve had my eye on – so I’m glad I got it FREE today.  With this app you can also make your own filters with the Filter Maker!



Pro Filter

Fast Camera 1The second FREE app is Fast Camera.  And this is one FAST shooting application!  In fact, it keeps shooting until you press stop!  This would come in handy when photographing your kids or grandkids.



Fast Camera