Friday Favorites No. 4

Back again to share five of my favorite edits from this week.
Approaching Storm
Approaching Storm (Above) With an iPhone the only limits are your imagination.  This was taken on a clear sunny day – there wasn’t a cloud or bird in the sky.  Everything was added during the editing process.
App Recipe:  Shot with ProCamera.  Edited with VFX Studio, Dramatic Black and White, Sketch Club and Photo Copier.
Ordinary People © Geri Centonze
Ordinary People (Above) 
App Recipe:  Shot with ProCamera.  Edited with Noir Photo, Dramatic Black and White, Simply HDR, Filterstorm, Blur FX.
Starstruck © Geri Centonze
Starstruck (Above)
App Recipe:  Shot with ProCamera.  Edited with Dramatic Black and White, Sketch Club, Process, PS Express and Snapseed.
© Geri Centonze
Portrait (Above)
App Recipe:  Shot with ProCamera.  Edited with Artists Touch, Sketch Club and Snapseed.
© Geri Centonze
George Santayana Quote (Above)
App Recipe:  Shot with ProCamera.  Edited with King Camera, Snapseed, The Amazing Type-Writer, Sketch Club


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