Oscar Wilde said that life imitates art, but through the skilled mobile photography of P.O. Bejsjö, life BECOMES art! I’m pleased to say that I discovered his work early on in my Instagram exploration because I’ve been able to enjoy so many stunning images. Writing this article, I had the difficult task of selecting only a few!
It came as no surprise that P.O. is a professional photographer but what still amazes me is the quality of images he gets with just his iPhone! The framing of each subject, the lighting, the editing, cropping all provoke an intensity that is unique to his work.
P.O.’s gallery is mainly populated with his black and white photos but every once in a while you get a pop of color that is executed with the same brilliant technique that he applies to all his photography.
Well, enough of my chatter…on to the interview!
Geri: Where do you live? (I think it's Sweden, but just want to make sure).
PO: I live in Solna, 10 minutes outside Stockholm, Sweden
PO: I live in Solna, 10 minutes outside Stockholm, Sweden
Geri: How long have you been on Instagram?
PO: 5 months, since summer 2012. I now have almost 700 photos on IG, that’s more than a hundred a month, maybe too productive!
PO: 5 months, since summer 2012. I now have almost 700 photos on IG, that’s more than a hundred a month, maybe too productive!
Geri: I see from your Facebook page that you are a professional photographer - when did you begin shooting with your iPhone and how does it compare to your traditional photographic work?
PO: I bought my iPhone in March 2012, my first cellphone in 20 years. I had a cellphone back when the size was like a small house but then I haven´t needed a mobile phone since then and I don´t like to carry around an SLR when I’m not working. When the iPhone 4S was released, I thought that the camera was good enough and I bought it mainly for that reason.
I do most of my professional work in a studio, well prepared and with the light already rigged and the camera on a tripod, so the street photography I do with my iPhone is totally different. When I´m walking the streets or traveling the subway, I shoot what I see. I don't prepare anything and I don't try to find locations. Actually I always bring the newspaper intending to read but I see pictures everywhere and I just can´t resist using the iPhone camera all the time!
I do most of my professional work in a studio, well prepared and with the light already rigged and the camera on a tripod, so the street photography I do with my iPhone is totally different. When I´m walking the streets or traveling the subway, I shoot what I see. I don't prepare anything and I don't try to find locations. Actually I always bring the newspaper intending to read but I see pictures everywhere and I just can´t resist using the iPhone camera all the time!
Geri: I love your street photography. Would you tell me a little about how you capture your images? Do you openly "shoot" or do you hide the fact that you are photographing your subjects?
PO: I never intend to take any pictures when I leave home but when I get out there I see pictures everywhere. My headphones are plugged in and while I listen to music I press the volume-up button and take pictures pretending I’m on the phone. Everybody in Sweden is constantly walking and talking on their iPhones so it’s very easy to do street photography without getting caught - a little different from 20 years ago when I did the same with a Hasselblad camera!
Geri: What are some of your favorite apps? Is all your editing done on your iPhone?
PO: I don´t do much editing, same as when I work in the studio, I have too many photos I´d like to share! I'm in a black and white mood at the moment and I use Noir Photo once or twice before I crop and maybe add an effect in Camera+. Sometimes I use Photogene 2 for special effects, to rotate or to add a filter. Big Lens is something I've started using recently, but since I do most of my editing on the bus or subway that one is a little tricky.
Geri: Most of your images are candid street photos, do you have any other areas of iPhoneography you would like to explore?
PO: Street photography is my favorite. I love being an observer, a fly on the wall, and people are an infinite well to great shots, but I’m also interested in symmetry and maybe I will start shooting more architecture. Sunsets are beautiful but there is nothing more to add that has not already been done…maybe night photography, but then they have to improve the iPhone.
Geri: Have you ever exhibited your work and if not do you plan to do so in the future?
PO: Actually I just printed a couple of my iPhone pictures and I’m trying to think of a way to expose them, maybe in frames or just on thick cardboard. Since I’m running two studios, one south and one north of Stockholm, I’ve already arranged where I can hang the pictures, now I only have to find the time, maybe after Christmas.
Geri: Do you see iPhoneography as a fad, or do you think we've only just begun with a lot more to come in the future?
PO: I think we’re only in the beginning, but what I think is important is how we can get the pictures out of the phones and mobile devices and turn them into something you can put on the wall or show in other ways. In my commercial business I notice that more and more people ask about the files instead of prints but what happens is that the pictures newer get shown in a way that I want. I love beautiful frames and big pictures on the wall with nice lighting.
Geri: If you could add a feature to your iPhone what would it be?
PO: Maybe a wireless separate camera you can stick to the frame of your eyeglasses! (Geri’s note: I’d buy that in a heartbeat!)
Geri: Anything else you'd like to add?
PO: Instagram and the iPhone work well together and it has done wonders with my photography, I think it’s fun again after having a slump, I only wish I had more time!
All images in this feature are copyrighted property of P.O. Bejsjö published on iART CHRONiCLES with the consent of the artist.
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