As of January 7th, LightBomber is forever FREE so here's your chance to get creative and try your hand at light painting. You can also use LightBomber as a slow shutter camera. There's a whole creative community on LightBomber that you can share with, but that's optional.
Description (from The App Store)
LightBomber is a lightpainting/long exposure app. The only one created by professional lightpainters. The camera, the lights, the instruction and the community are all there. The only thing missing: You.
The Streets Are Dark, Light 'Em Up!
If you have questions and you are on twitter, hit us up directly @lightbomber. Or, just email us directly at We'll be happy to help you out.
The Streets Are Dark, Light 'Em Up!
If you have questions and you are on twitter, hit us up directly @lightbomber. Or, just email us directly at We'll be happy to help you out.
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