Preparing a Photo with Inspire Pro

I recently posted this image on Instagram.

© Geri Centonze

Part of the editing process involved readying the photo before I added the shattered effect using iColorama. I liked the profile of a woman that I had captured but wanted to even out her skin, block out the background and enhance the lips and eyes. Below is a quick video of the editing process using Inspire Pro which I recently downloaded for FREE (regular price $4.99)! Inspire Pro includes a video playback feature showing your brushstrokes, so I'm able to share it with you in under 15 seconds!

After I painted over the photo with Inspire Pro, I used Luminance to filter the image to black and white. Then I used a Shatter brush in iColorama to distort the black and white image and combined that with the "unshattered" image using Sketch Club. Final adjustments and cropping were done in Snapseed.


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