Waterlogue Hits the App Store and I Have a Giveaway!

As part of the beta team for Waterlogue, I have been eager for this app to be released so everyone could share in the fun! I am happy to announce that Waterlogue is now available on the App Store.

As a bonus I also have five promo codes to give away.  

Comment below and I will randomly select five names tomorrow at 4 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time. Be sure to leave contact information in your comment (IG username or email address). If I am unable to contact you I will draw another name.

Update! The giveaway is now closed and the following people have won:
Carlos Austin
Heidi Redfield
Egmont van Dyck
Melia Hartley

Here's a sample of what I did in just a few seconds!

© Geri Centonze

Press Release:


Innovative photo app for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch distills photos into artistic watercolors" Brooklyn, NY, December 12, 2013 – App developers John Balestrieri and Robert Clair today introduce Waterlogue on the iTunes App Store.! Waterlogue for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch transforms photos into spontaneous, unique, and brilliant watercolor sketches that look like real paintings.
“The idea behind Waterlogue is that we wanted non-artists to be able to see the world as an artist might—to give people access to a creative tool that doesn’t require any training,” says Balestrieri, founder of Tinrocket, LLC. “We were inspired by what creative people like artists and architects carry with them for visually documenting the world when on-the-go: things like Moleskine watercolor sketchbooks and these little homemade kits of watercolor pigments stowed inside repurposed Altoids tins. The spontaneous and personal nature of the images they create with these tools inspired Waterlogue.”
Waterlogue Sample © Tinrocket, LLC
Before & After Waterlogue
iPad Screenshot
Waterlogue Progression
Progression Using Waterlogue

Price:  $3.99 US
Availability:  Worldwide through Apple’s iTunes App Store
Requirements:  Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Requires iOS 7.0 or greater.
About Tinrocket, LLC — Founded in 2006 by John Balestrieri, Tinrocket, LLC, is a Brooklyn-based company that is dedicated to making original, creative software for Mac and iOS. www.tinrocket.com
John Balestrieri is the creator of the popular iOS photo apps, Percolator and Popsicolor. Percolator received a 41⁄2 out of 5 mice review by Macworld in February, 2012. PercolatorApp.com and Popsicolor.com  
Robert Clair is the owner of Chromatic Bytes, LLC. He is a physicist, iOS and OS X developer, and author of the book, Learning ObjectiveC 2.0, published by Addison-Wesley Professional. www.chromaticbytes.com


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