Friday Favorites–Week No. 31

Here it is another Friday and already starting the month of May.  Where does time go?  One of the reasons that I’m glad I discovered smartphone photography is because of the way it has changed the way I view the world.  I notice the beauty around me and I also see things with the potential in mind of what I can create!  It’s helped me to see everything anew!

Here are my favorite edits for the week.

© Geri Centonze

App RecipeProCamera, Snapseed, PhotoForge2 

© Geri Centonze

The Connection   (above) 

App RecipeProCamera, Snapseed, PhotoToaster 

© Geri Centonze

App RecipeSnapseed, PhotoToaster 

© Geri Centonze

Equine Beauty (above)

App RecipeProCamera, Snapseed, Sketch club, PicsPlay Pro  

© Geri Centonze

Portrait of a Girl (above)

App RecipeSnapseed, Shockmypic, Repix, FaceTune, Painteresque 

© Geri Centonze

The Not So Happy Family (above)

App RecipeProcamera, Snapseed, FaceTune, Shockmypic, Repix, Andifwarp, Anticrop, TouchRetouch, PicFX 

© Geri Centonze

Portrait of a Man (above)

App RecipeProCamera, Snapseed, Repix, FaceTune, Sketch club 

© Geri Centonze

The Recital (above)

App RecipeSketch club, Repix, Snapseed, LensFlare


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