Painted Camera App Competition Winners Announced

The developers of the Painted Camera app (soon to be released) held a competition recently. Here are the results of the contest, reposted from Mobitog with permission from the developer of Painted Camera. (I'm over the moon that Gilles chose one of my images!)

From Gilles of the 11ers:

After a long delay and many life events (all of them good mind you, but some of them rather big, more of that later), here are finally the winners of the painted camera screenshot contest.

First some numbers: I gave away 28 promo codes total for this contest to mobitog and Geri Centonze blog, Art of Mob. I got over 220 submissions from 24 people!!! Wow!!! Much more than expected!

The quality of the submissions were remarkable, and after my first pass picking anything I loved and deemed worthy of representing my app I was down to... 77 images!!! Now you are starting to understand why it was so hard, I had to pick three!!! Three!!!

After much agony, soul searching, reversals and re-reversals, here are the three winners, in no specific order:

Sandy MacGowan sent a wonderful set of pictures taken on a snowy sunrise, to beautiful and rich results. She made singular yet stunning uses of the app, some of them I love even more than the one I picked for the app store as almost abstract and ethereal, but I pick this image for the contest as it is both simple and strong, and show you what you can get straight out of the app when you see something in the wild that you know will look very special with a glazed treatment.

© Sandy MacGowan
© Sandy MacGowan

Andrea Bigiarini sent me a series of slightly post processed, intimate and warm renders. His eyes for contrast, color and composition is just exquisite. There were all taken in the streets of Florence, inside what I believe is his apartment or from his balcony, and I just adore them. I grew up in southern France and always had a huge soft spot for anything Italian, but even if I had not, I know I would still fall for this:

© Andrea Bigiarini
© Andrea Bigiarini

Geri Centonze sent me an amazing set of portraits. For the large number of submission I got, I actually didn't get as many portraits as I was hoping for, which is actually not taking anything away from Geri's submissions, which were stellar. Beautiful composition, lighting, perfect use of the app, beautiful texture choice looking great in large or small size, expressive, interesting, original subjects. It was actually hard to pick one from the many she sent me, but this one is just perfect.

© Geri Centonze
© Geri Centonze

I picked these image not only for their qualities but also because I felt they meshed very well as a set to represent what the app can do. The three winners will get explicit mention on the App Store
and I will sent the nicest giclée print money can buy in Northern California.

I will also mention though, that until the very end I wanted to have in that list at least one entry from a fantastic mobile artist who sent me a barrage of submissions that just blew my mind: Alain Vincent. I have no idea how he does this. I know he is using the app, I have no idea how. I love his stuff so much, I think I watch it about every day on my iPad
, but in the end I felt it was a bit too radical for the App Store page.

Here are two of the many entries Alain sent me:

© Alain Vincent
© Alain Vincent

© Alain Vincent
© Alain Vincent

I want to thank everybody who participated to this contest, many of you sent me tons of great renders and great feedback. I am also very proud to see how much joy you guys seemed to get from using the app.

much love,

The 11ers

Geri's Note: As soon as Painted Camera is released on The App Store, I'll be posting about it here at Art of Mob.


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