Dilshad better known as @italianbrother on Instagram goes where few dare to go… directly in front of people on the street to capture them head on. He admits his boldness almost got him stabbed as he approached an elderly man in Naples this past summer. The man came after him with a knife, but he did manage to capture the photo below before making his getaway!
Dilshad’s mobile photography journey began only a few months ago when he was roaming the internet and found a 5-week iPhoneography course. The course began with an interview with Richard Koci Hernandez and that video prompted the beginning of his journey to want to go out and “snap the world”.
Dilshad, born in Somalia of Italian and Indian origins, has lived in various cities around the world and now resides in London. (I’m very jealous of the fact that he has a bustling city filled with people at his disposal!) You would guess with the beautiful composition of his images that he made the transition from traditional to mobile photographer, but a cell phone is the only camera he has ever owned!
What does Dilshad love to capture? “The grunge, the dirt, the grit, the unspoken London, the untold London. I see, I shoot and I go! I don't think much, it's more off a gut feeling... difficult to analyze, very much like when you fall in love and you feel the butterflies, yes, that is exactly how I feel when I see something that I want to shoot. iPhoneography and street photography has given me the power to tell my stories, what I see and what touches me!”
As far as favorite apps, Dilshad is partial to Camera+, Snapseed, Big Lens, PhotoToaster, lo-mob, Qbro, AfterFocus, Noir Photo. (2 of those were new to me, so of course you know I headed to the App Store to purchase).
Without further ado, let me share with you the bold, beautiful and breathtaking images of Dilshad Corleone! The image below and many others featured here each have a story to go along with them. I will be working on a featured conversation with Dilshad for JUXT to explore the stories behind the images later this month. (Captions below from Dilshad’s Instagram gallery).
Hannah and Tommy (above)
“I’m telling you!!! I swear on my grandfather’s soul!!! It was not my fault!!! Yeah…whatever.” (above)
A legend, an institution of London's underground! Gregg's the name and when you are passing by, stop to say hi! (above)
Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality . Wake Up and Live! - Bob Marley (above)
Waking up from the dead...One day I know I will end up in a whole lot of trouble.... Until then I'll keep snapping...(above)
I'm back! (above)
What is he carrying in that bag? (above)
What is she thinking of? (above)
What is life? If not only a walk towards the unknown (above)
Spot the differences... The underground uniting us all! (above)
Lenka's first day in this country... So many hopes, so many dreams... (above)
In the name of the Father... (above)
The young and the old two hats and two stories... (above)
Dilshad’s work will be on exhibit at the Vyner Studio this weekend (in East London).
Find Dilshad: Flickr / Instagram / Facebook
All images in this feature are copyrighted property of Dilshad Corleone published on iART CHRONiCLES with the consent of the artist.
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