Friday Favorites No. 8

Time again to share my favorite edits for the week.  It’s hard to believe how quickly time is passing.  Am I the only one who feels like 2012 has been a blur?
© Geri Centonze
In the Beauty Salon (Above)
App Recipe:  Shot with SneakyPix.  Edited with Snapseed, PS Express, Filterstorm, Camera+, Wood Camera 
© Geri Centonze
Driving By (Above)
App Recipe:  Shot with SneakyPix.  Edited with PS Express, iCameraHDR, Photo FX, Filterstorm, Snapseed, Alien Sky
© Geri Centonze
Me in the Morning (Above)
App Recipe:  Shot with SneakyPix.  Edited with Snapseed
© Geri Centonze
Costco Shoppers (Above)
App Recipe:  Shot with ProCamera.  Edited with Perfectly Clear and Snapseed
© Geri Centonze
Flight Crew (Above)
App Recipe:  Shot with ProCamera.  Edited with Snapseed
© Geri Centonze
Portrait of a Man (I did not take this photo but used an image from MorgueFile)
Edited with Portrait Painter, Snapseed and Artist’s Touch
© Geri Centonze
Freedom (Above)
App Recipe:  Shot with SneakyPix.  Edited with Snapseed, Camera+, Big Lens, PicShop and PhotoCopier
© Geri Centonze
Pennsylvania Country Road (Above)
App Recipe:  Shot with ProCamera.  Edited with Filtermania and Snapseed
© Geri Centonze
Waiting for Pizza (Above)
App Recipe:  Shot with SneakyPix.  Edited with PS Express, iCamera HDR, Photo FX, Filterstorm, Iris Photo Suite, Camera+, Snapseed


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