Featured Mobile Photographer–Pernille Scheele

© Pernille ScheeleToday’s featured Instagrammer is Pernille Scheele from Oslo, Norway (@pernillescheele).  I had to look up the meaning of the name Pernille, because it’s one I’ve never heard before.  It means “rock”.  Well the only way that I can apply that to the lovely Pernille is that she is a “solidly” creative mobile photographer! 

© Pernille Scheele
(Above:  Self-portrait)

Pernille is one of my adopted Instagram sisters and I’m delighted to be able to share her work.  She shoots her beautiful images with her Samsung phone and began posting on Instagram in April 2012. 
A self-confessed “random shooter,” Pernille likes to capture “everything”.  Most of her photos are taken to and from her workplace in Oslo.  Including people in her images involves being a bit sneaky (if you’re a street photographer, you’re familiar with this stealth mode!)  Pernille says,”After I started on Instagram I see everything.  I must have been blind before.”  She admits she’s horrible to walk with as she stops every few minutes to take a photo (does this sound familiar?!)

© Pernille Scheele
(Above: Beautiful Sunny Day and I found me a sunflower)*

As far as apps, Pernille loves trying out different ones.  “When I know I have a great shot on my phone, I can’t wait to get home to start to process it. I will have an idea in my mind on how I want it to look, and I will experiment with a lot of apps till I am satisfied. Sometimes, I don’t have an app that will give me the result I have in my head and then I will look for an app that will.”
Her favorite apps include Pixlr-o-matic, Adobe Photoshop Touch (for tablet), Little Photo and Pics Art. She also likes PicSay Pro, PicsPlay Pro, Photo Studio and TouchRetouch. Some of these are Android only apps, so they may be unfamiliar to iPhone users.
Below are more of Pernille’s beautiful imagery. Enjoy!

© Pernille Scheele

(Above:  This guy was playing at the subway when I left for work this morning.  He was still there playing when I was on way home.  He was there yesterday, and will be there tomorrow too.  So this is my pic saying I see you, and I do notice you work hard for what people that don’t listen put in your cup.)*

© Pernille Scheele
(Above:  TGIF)*

© Pernille Scheele
(Above:  And this is the famous red light district.  I’m very glad I got to see it before it’s gone.  It’s a very strange place.)*

© Pernille Scheele
(Above:  Reflection madness of people in layers)*

© Pernille Scheele
(Above:  To see beyond the blinds)*

© Pernille Scheele
(Above:  Bike or boar or car, in Amsterdam.  Pic taken from tram LOL)*

© Pernille Scheele
(Above:  This is a chair my friend made from an old denim jacket.)*

© Pernille Scheele
(Above:  Out and about, nice little window on a wall)*

© Pernille Scheele
(Above:  Wonderful sunny day today, I sneak up and get this pic on the subway this morning.)*

© Pernille Scheele
(Above:  Opera house in Oslo)*

A special thank you to my lovely Instagram “sister” for allowing me to feature her inspiring work.  For more of Pernille’s beautiful and varied images, follow her on Instagram @pernillescheele or visit her gallery

*Captions from Pernille’s Instagram feed.

Featured Mobile Artists


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