Ali Jardine and Melissa Vincent–Siblings Unrivaled!

Ali JardineMelissa VincentIf you're active on Instagram you've probably heard of Melissa Vincent @misvincent (left) and Ali Jardine @alijardine (right), but what you may not know is that they're sisters!  Yes, that's right…there must be something flowing through those genes that allows them to create such beautiful works of art.  Between the two of them, they have nearly a half a million followers on Instagram.  I was lucky enough to have them carve out a few moments from their busy schedules to answer a few questions. 
© Melissa Vincent         ©Ali Jardine

Geri:  What is your name and where do you live?
Melissa:  Melissa Vincent – Mississippi
Ali:  My name is Ali Jardine and I live in Petaluma, California.
©Ali Jardine
© Melissa Vincent
Geri:  Are your parents or any other siblings (besides each other) artsy as well? 
Melissa:  Both of our parents are artistic and creative. I remember my father always taking beautiful photos when I was little and still to this day. He was the singer and piano player in a band for many years. I barely remember a time when he wasn't singing. My mother is equally creative. She is an excellent cook, designer, gardener, and writer. All four of us are a mixture of many different passions, but all similar in their nature. I can't wait to read what Ali wrote about this topic. It really takes me down memory lane.
Ali:  My mom writes and my father is musically inclined.  My sister is very creative and artsy!
©Ali Jardine
© Melissa Vincent
Geri:  How did you get started creating mobile art?
Ali:  As soon as I got an iPhone I downloaded Instagram. It sort of snowballed from there.
Melissa:  Ali and I basically started about the same time. She had signed up and never used it and I believe she mentioned it to me. I joined and we had a lot of fun staying connected through IG since we live across the country from one another.
Geri:  Do you have a traditional photography or art background?
Melissa: No
Ali:  I have always been a painter, art was my minor in college. I have taken photographs as long as I can remember, but the iPhone was the beginning of turning all of those photographs into art.
©Ali Jardine
© Melissa Vincent
Geri:  Who or what inspires you?
Ali:  Nature, music, and art are my main inspirations. 
Melissa:   I am inspired by music, others art, movies, books, the people around me. I would say music and books top the list.
Geri:  Do you look to one another for advice or critique on your work?
Ali:  I usually see Mis's photos once she puts them on Instagram. We did a lot of that in the beginning, though.
Melissa:   No, not really. I always appreciate a photo more if I know she likes it though.
©Ali Jardine
© Melissa Vincent
Geri:  Do you plan your shoots or do they happen spontaneously?
Ali:  Both.  If my daughter models for me, I have to plan. She requires snacks.  Mostly, they are spontaneously planned. If I wake up to a foggy morning, I drop everything and head to the forest. 
Melissa:    Usually spontaneous. I have two boys, so I take opportunities to shoot when they arise.
Geri:  When shooting do you use the native camera app or a specialty app like ProCamera?
Ali:  Native camera always. 
Melissa:   Native camera and sometimes Pro HDR 
Geri:  What are some of your favorite apps?
Ali:  Tiny Planet Photos, Juxtaposer, Alt Photo, Color Lake, PicShop are a few. 
Melissa:  Image Blender, Alien Sky, Elasticam, Snapseed and Juxtaposer 
©Ali Jardine
© Melissa Vincent
Geri:  Please share a bit about your editing process.
Ali:  I usually have an idea and work from there. I find a photo that will work and app it out until it's right. 
Melissa:  I don't have a specific process. I just look through my roll and choose a photo to work on that inspires me at the moment. I usually listen to music with my headphones while editing.
Geri:  Have you ever exhibited your work? 
Ali:  Yes, my work has been shown in New York, LA, Mexico, Washington DC, San Francisco, and Sweden.
Melissa:  Yes, I've had work at OCCCA in California, Soho gallery for the digital art and Animazing gallery both which are in New York, LA Mobile Arts festival, and currently my William Faulkner series is being displayed at ArtHaus in San Francisco, CA.
©Ali Jardine
© Melissa Vincent
Geri:  Do you think there is a market for selling mobile art? 
Ali:  I think selling art of any kind is really difficult. 
Melissa:  Yes, definitely. I just sold my first piece as fine art from my collection at ArtHaus.
Geri:  Sometimes I get overwhelmed with all the online sharing venues like Instagram, Facebook, etc.  How do you keep up with it all?
Ali:  When it becomes overwhelming, I stop doing it. The only place I post all the time is Instagram. I'm still having fun there. 
Melissa:   I try to keep it simple by posting to several sites at one time. For example, I'll click the sharing option for Twitter, Flickr, and Facebook when posting to Instagram, so I don't have to post them all individually.
© Ali Jardine
© Melissa Vincent
Geri:  Is there a subject or genre you have not yet explored that you would like to tackle next? 
Ali:  There is always something new to try, and I want to explore it all!
Melissa:  Street photography is so challenging for me. I would love to try that out some more.
Geri:  Is there anything else you'd like to add?
Ali:  Thank you so much, Geri!
Melissa:  Thanks for the interview, Geri. It was a pleasure!
©Ali Jardine
© Melissa Vincent

Thank you Ali and Melissa for sharing your beautiful work!
Find Ali:  Instagram / Facebook / Twitter / Flickr / EyeEm / Website
Find Melissa:  Instagram / Facebook / Twitter/ Flickr / EyeEm / Website
All images in this feature are copyrighted property of Ali Jardine or Melissa Vincent published on iART CHRONiCLES with the consent of the artists. 

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