The Whole Story–Photo by Todd Leban

The Whole StoryEveryday objects become so much more than things when you know the story behind them. 

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The Photograph

© Todd Leban


The Whole Story

This photo was taken in the back room of my Grandma and Grandpa's house here in Illinois. My grandfather passed over ten years ago, and, until recently, my grandmother still lived there. In some ways she still does. Her heart is still in that house. Her things are still in that house. Her incredible family memories are still in that house. She was recently hospitalized, and with legs too weak to lift her, she was transferred to a rehabilitation center. She may remain there indefinitely.

I took a series of images throughout the home as a way to help me process the reality of this parallel universe; the one where she is, and the one where she wants to be. These parallels exist all around us. And I know she wants nothing more than to be at home...but this is how it is.

Their last name is Niemiec, but early on my brother changed it to "Gee Wizzie" because my grandfather would censor himself and say "gee whiz" instead of cursing around the grandkids. That is the reason for the title, grandma wizzie's desk. Oddly enough, after showing the image to my mother, I discovered that the desk and lamp first belonged to my great-grandmother Erna. It now sits in solitude, surrounded by objects that she felt necessary to keep. A true sign of her generation. Nothing went to waste.


The Photographer

Todd LebanMy name is Todd. I was born in the late 70's. I grew up with an intense interest in music & art, and an undying desire to create. I have a great appreciation for things that are old, and have always been fascinated with objects and how they influence and enhance our existence. I try to bring out their stories in my images.

I'm a professional art educator at a middle school in the Chicago suburbs and have held this position for eleven years. I've been taking, making, and editing images with a serious focus for about two years. My Instagram gallery showcases my journey thus far. My camera of choice is an iPhone 4s, and I often use an Olloclip when the situation demands.

Father. Artist. Composer. Teacher. Punk. / iPhone 4S and every app under the sun.

Find Todd: AMPt / Instagram / EyeEm / Tumblr / Twitter


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