The Whole Story–Photo by Patricia Leeds

The Whole StoryPatria Leeds managed to convey all of the emotion she was feeling in this image.  Read The Whole Story and see if you agree. 
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The Photograph
©Patria Leeds
The Whole Story
I was called in for Jury duty for a horrific criminal trial that involved four murdered women. This trial was scheduled to last at least four months. The photo was taken as we all marked time in the hallway of the courthouse, waiting to see who would be excused from the case. There was lots of pacing and nervous conversation.

I wanted to convey the feeling in the courthouse. I used "Slow shutter" to create a feeling of movement, "Glaze" to abstract the people, "Iris" to create the somber feeling and "Decim8" to create the anxiety in the room.
Thankfully, I was dismissed. :-)
The Photographer
Patria Leeds I have been working as a commercial photographer for over 25 years.  Two years ago I bought an iPhone. I got involved with mobile photography when a friend of mine told me about Instagram.  I do all of my editing on an iPad. The freedom to create images without the bulk of equipment or the concern of a deadline has been a transcendent experience for me. I am having fun right now and loving this amazing community of creatives. What could be better!
Find Patricia:  EyeEm / iPhoneArt 


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