PhotoToaster–A second looks makes me a believer!

If you’re like me and you’ve downloaded 100’s of apps, you find your favorites and ignore the rest.  I stumbled upon this fabulous tutorial by Teri Lou Dantzler on an app I’ve ignored until NOW!  PhotoToaster has capabilities I didn’t know about and now I’m moving it into my main editing folder on my iPad.

Have a look at this tutorial and you’ll see how much is packed into PhotoToaster.

And here is a second shorter video showing the new Lighting brushes.  This is something all HDR enthusiasts will be using!

Happy Snapping!

Trick or Treat? Definitely TREAT–Blux Camera is FREE Today!

BluxI haven’t even tapped into the potential of this camera app – Blux Camera is free for 3 days only and today is the LAST day!

Watch the videos below to see the capabilities of Blux Camera.


GIVEAWAY - Turn your Instagram Photos into a book with Artifact Uprising!

I am really thrilled to offer this fabulous GIVEAWAY from Artifact Uprising – the people who help you take your images “Off Your Device / Into Your Life” with their beautiful softcover photo books.

The lucky winner must be a resident of the USA and will receive a 5.5” x 5.5” 40-page softcover book!  These books are designed with your Instagram images in mind.  Simply upload your favorite images and design in minutes! 

Artifact Uprising is committed to preserving our environment – all of the interior book pages are made from 100% post-consumer waste recycled paper. 

You can visit Artifact Uprising on Facebook or follow them @artifactuprising on Instagram!


photos in book by @yanpalmer

photos in book by @yanpalmer

photos in book by @yanpalmer

You can enter until midnight (PST) on November 8, 2012 – Winner will be announced on November 9th.


1.  Leave a comment telling me you’d like to win – Be sure to include an email address if you are a no-reply blogger.  If I am unable to contact you another winner will be selected.

Below are optional BONUS entries – leave a separate comment for each bonus entry

2.  Visit Artifact Uprising online and list your favorite product in a separate comment

3.  Tweet the Giveaway (leave a comment letting me know you tweeted)

4.  Follow iARTCHRONiCLES (let me know how you’re following my blog in a separate comment)

Featured Mobile Artist–Dezadie

© DezadieI could have sworn I had seen the work of Dezadie at the L.A. Mobile Arts Festival this year.  Maybe it’s because subconsciously I believe her work SHOULD have been there.  I asked Dezadie (@Dezadie on Instagram) if she’d like to be featured on my blog and was happy that she agreed.  But I didn’t really know much about her beyond the images I viewed on her Instagram gallery.

© Dezadie
We exchanged some email communication beforehand and here is a bit of the “conversation” I had with Londoner Dezadie.

Geri:  Is Dezadie your real name? 
Dezadie:  How could a name be so complicated? What is real and what is not? It is not just an IG nickname. Dezadie has been my creative name since I was 13, so it is my real name in some sense. I think it is something hard to pin a root to, to quantify, so paradoxically I think it defines something about me.  I suppose it is a little strange. I originally made it up, not only because I was a secret writer/poet and wanted a pen name, but  because I just never felt connected to the name I had. 

© Dezadie
Geri:  Are all the images in your Instagram gallery mobile art?
Dezadie:  I am not a mobile purist in photographic terms.  I enjoy using different mediums so my feed is a bit of a mixture. Having said that the majority of my pictures on my feed have been taken with an iPhone 3GS although I have now upgraded to an iPhone 5. All have been edited on iPhone or iPad using apps.  I have been into amateur photography for quite a while - I used to own a manual OM and upgraded to a digital Olympus. I learnt by doing.  There are a couple of shots especially early on in my feed, which are scanned in 35mm photos, because I wanted to share them and wasn't thinking in terms of what mobile art is or defining myself as a mobile artist at that point - I admit to missing film sometimes, because I went so much on learning the feel of the camera. 

Geri:  How long have you been creating mobile art?
Dezadie:  I have been experimenting and creating for over a year now. You can definitely see a progression in my feed. I think the iPad improved things a lot for me. I created I lot of my early pics just using ArtStudio and Pixlr-o-matic on the 3Gs, with fingers - and it was so fiddly to draw. When I first started I would photograph a quick sketch and then modify this and paint over it using an app. Then I quickly discovered the stylus, because fingers got a bit frustrating. My newest discovery is the Nomad brush, and as the name suggests it looks and feels much more like a brush.  I find this much easier to draw and paint with directly on the iPad or iPhone. The range of apps I use has simply exploded since. At the moment one of my favorite things is to use different patterns and textures on the eraser tool in procreate on the iPad.  

© Dezadie
In future I am interested in going through more of my old 35 mm shots - because I travelled a lot in the past and have some interesting stuff. I would like to either scan them in or photograph the prints with my phone and use them to create mobile or probably more correctly termed digital art - this is partly because I have some ideas and because I don't often use other people's stock photos to create my edits, and unless it is a collab I like to use all my own stuff - this means I sometimes create my own grunge backgrounds too - so that I am not relying too much on pre-created textures in apps.  I have one recent edit in which I used an old Ivor Novello photo - taken from a movie.

© Dezadie
I think it is important to attribute and be honest about where any additional images have come from. I am deliberating about this project, because it might be a bit of a departure from mobile art in terms of what some people think it is or should be. Some would say that working with the limitations of just the iPhone or iPad is what it is all about. I have to admit I do find that the limitation can be useful in helping me to be more creative - I have become a bit more resourceful in terms of recycling my iPhotos to make something new.  The Mirrorgram app - I found out about it from your Instagram feed - allowed me to create a lot of new images out of old images. But also, what am I talking about ? I have London on my doorstep - so of course I have the streets of London as a resource to continuously replenish my stock.  I am lucky to be in such a diverse city.

© Dezadie
Geri:  When did you first post on Instagram?  Do you have an art background?
Dezadie:  October 2011.  I don't have any formal training or qualifications in art apart from a GCSE - the exams UK students take at 16 - but I don't really think this counts. I have remained a bit of a closet artist and actually consider myself forever the student.  Since teenage years I would stay up late into the night creating what I am sure some of my friends thought of as my weird art. For me mobile art is all about playing with new technology and finding out what we can do with it. That also covers why I love it in an OTT way. I guess it is up to others to judge if they like what it is I play.

© Dezadie
Geri:  Do you have an idea and then create it, or do you get inspired from a photo after viewing it?
Dezadie:  Both and more. Sometimes I have a very definite image in my head of what I want to create and I have to consider how to go about doing it - it feels a bit like solving a problem, because in a sense the picture already exists. I can find myself hunting for an image - taking pictures of bits and pieces - ornaments and whatever.  Sometimes the base photo suggests an idea. I took a picture of a fungus I found growing in one of my plant pots and the light hit it an in interesting way, which made me want to create a fantasy edit - and I then had to find the other elements I wanted to include.

© Dezadie

I am continuously inspired by the work of others - learning about other peoples processes helps a lot - I really do feel that Instagram provides an amazing community of artists to learn from. It is very freeing because most people encourage and don't get judgmental or critical - that would spoil the fun of it, and the sense of camaraderie / exploration. I love forums such as #mobileartistry and @unitedbyedit, which provide inspiration and creative challenges.  I also like competitions, which encourage you to think about how to create something along a theme.  Inspiration is everywhere in books, performances, music lyrics, rust on an old bucket.
Sometimes I just play with apps and something pleasing comes out of that, and I feel like I am going with the flow - it just happens.

© Dezadie
Geri:  Do you have any favorite apps?
Dezadie:  Continuously exploring new ones, but at the moment my favorites are:
ScratchCam FX 
Noir Photo - yes I love color but sometimes I take it out and then add it back in
Image Blender 
XnView Photo FX  
Big Lens 
I also use add-ons and improvisations  - I have a couple of different lenses I can clip to my phone using magnets including a macro lens. I find shaking a bit of a problem. I sometimes use an LED torch to light up a subject. I can't stand using the flash as it seems to wash out the color - so I would love to find a good flash camera app. I also use a brush stylus as mentioned before.
© Dezadie
Geri:  Where would you like this journey to take you?
Dezadie:  The journey never ends as such - I keep learning, growing and trying out new things.
I kind of have a dream to create a creative cafe in London - where people - any people can come to express their creativity in what ever form and as part of that I would love to have a  basement exhibition of mobile artistry - projected on the wall - continuously changing to feature different work. It could also be used as a venue for workshops - even better if it could link to other cafes around the world via vc but that is quite a way off and who knows if I  will actually achieve this - it is an idea at the moment.

© Dezadie
More immediately I would like to combine my music, mobileart and writing to create an e-book - a novel. I am working on something - revising a first draft, which I hope to finish by the end of the year - but it could take me quite a bit longer. I don't want to jinx it by saying too much.

© Dezadie
Geri:  Anything else you’d like my readers to know?
Dezadie:  I am keen to start up a texture library  on Instagram - an open source stock library which people can use as a resource for their edits. But as I seem to be juggling quite a few things, at the moment, I think I will need to find some collaborators to make it work.
I would like to thank Dezadie for such a comprehensive interview.  I really enjoyed getting to know her better and learning more about her mobile art journey.

© Dezadie
Find Dezadie:  Instagram / EyeEm
All images in this feature are copyrighted property of Dezadie published on iART CHRONiCLES with the consent of the artist.

Featured Mobile Artists

iColorama Tutorial

I was happy to be able to give away several copies of iColorama.  Now that you have it, what can you do with it?

Here’s a step-by-step tutorial making a rather ordinary photo into something extraordinary using only iColorama.

Here is the before image, shot with an iPhone 4S using the ProCamera app to capture the image.


1.  Open image in iColorama and select the highest resolution

Select Resolution

2.  Under the FORM tab, select CROP and crop as desired.  Click APPLY.  You can skip this step if your image does not need cropping. 

Crop Image

3.  Under TONE tab, select BLEACH.  Adjust Opacity to 0.50 using slider and APPLY.

Bleach Tone

4.  Under ADJUST tab, select HDR.  Select Preset #2.  Adjust opacity  to 0.35, Brightness to 0.07, Exposure to 0.10 and Bleach to 0.40 and APPLY.


5.  Under ADJUST tab, select TONE LAB.   Choose Preset #3.  Adjust Opacity to 1.0, Contrast to 0.75, Brightness to 0.11 and Gloom to 1.00 and APPLY.

Tone Lab

6.  Under ADJUST select VIBRANCE.  Adjust Opacity to 0.85, Vibrance to 1.00, Gamma to –0.06, Saturation to 0.75 and APPLY.


7.  Under PRESETS select TEXTURES.  Apply Texture #30 and adjust Opacity to 0.8 and Feature to 0.50 and APPLY.


8.  Under STYLE select SIMPLIFY.  Keep Opacity at 1.0 and adjust Feature to 0.70 and APPLY.


9.  Under STYLE select EDGES.  Select Preset #2.  Adjust Opacity to 1.00 and Feature to 0.25 and APPLY.


10.  Under EFFECTS select SHARPEN.  Keep Opacity at 1.0 and adjust Feature to 0.10 and APPLY.


11.  Under ADJUST select SATURATION adjust Opacity to 0.50, Brightness to 0.20, Darkest to 0.10 and Gamma to 0.50 and APPLY.


Here is the AFTER image.

After Image

There is never one way to edit an image and the best way to find out the capabilities of iColorama is to experiment.  Enjoy!

Before and After

Romantic Photo HD

This week I experimented a bit with a new app, Romantic Photo HD by Jixipix.  With 11 styles to choose from, you can set the mood of your photo in just a few minutes.

The user interface on the app is well organized.  Simply choose an effect and then select the variation within that effect.

Romantic Photo HD

I decided to see what I could do with this already beautiful professionally taken portrait of my daughter-in-law.  It certainly doesn’t need “fixing” but I wanted to see if I could change the mood using Romantic Photo HD

Original Image (below)

Original Image

For the first edit, I used the Dreamy Photo Effect V-02 variation (below)

Dreamy Photo Effect

2nd Edit Day Dream Effect with the Strong variation (below)

Day Dream Effect

3rd Edit using the Romantic Colors Effect – Green Variation (below)  You’ll notice just the green elements are in color.  Pretty cool!

Romantic Colors Effect

and for the final edit, I chose the Romantic Color Effect V-01 variation

Romantic Colors Effect

Using one more image from my son’s wedding, I chose this portrait of the two of them.

Original image (below) 

Original Image

I really love this photography just the way it is, but decided to see what would happen when I applied the Romantic Scene effect V-01 variation.  I like the glow and the darkened effect.  Definitely makes for a romantic mood.

Romantic Scene Effect

Each variation can be edited to add more or less of the effect.  As with all of the Jixipix apps that I’ve worked with, this is another one that I’ll keep in my camera bag!

Friday Favorites No. 9

Another installment of my favorite edits for the week.
© Geri Centonze

Why do I focus on images of strangers doing everyday things? In this great sea of humanity there are some people I will only see once in my life. It may be only a glance. I believe we're all connected and the image I capture reminds me of a brother or sister I will never meet again. Instagram is a wonderful community. We're all from different places and we have different politics and different economic statuses (well, I guess we're all able to afford a smart phone!) and our number one question doesn't center around any of those things, but instead it's merely to congratulate one another on presenting an image that moves us. I am grateful for all of you. Merci Grazie Danke Gracias Toda Arigato Shukran 谢谢 Dankie Mahalo Salamat

App Recipe:  Shot with SneakyPix  Edited with Snapseed, PS Express, BlurFX, Magic Hour
© Geri Centonze
The Passenger (Above)
App Recipe:  Shot with ProCamera  Edited with Snapseed, Picfx, PS Express iDarkroom 

© Geri Centonze
Troubled (Above)
App Recipe:  Shot with SneakyPix   Edited with Snapseed, AfterFocus, Iris Photo Suite
© Geri Centonze

He works hard for his living and his hands tell the tale (Above)

App Recipe: Shot with SneakyPix Edited with Snapseed
© Geri Centonze

Mashing potatoes for shepherd's pie (Above)

App Recipe: Shot with ProCamera  Edited with Snapseed, VFX Studio, Sketch Club
© Geri Centonze

California Palms (Above)

App Recipe:  Shot with ProCamera  Edited with ShockMyPic, PhotoCopier, Photo Texture, Snapseed, Photo FX
© Geri Centonze

Waiting for His Call (Above)

App Recipe:  Shot with SneakyPix  Edited with Steampunk PhotoTada!, AfterFocus, Snapseed
© Geri Centonze

Like a true nature's child We were born, born to be wild...(Above)

App Recipe:  Shot with SneakyPix  Edited with Snapseed, BlurFX, Vintique
© Geri Centonze

Awe and Wonder (Above)

We were all so full of this at one time!
App Recipe:  Shot with ProCamera  Edited with Snapseed, Sketch Club, BlurFX, Squaready
© Geri Centonze

Plane between the wires (Above)

I’ve been watching The Band of Brothers movie and this shot of a plane flying between the telephone wires brought to mind that movie, so I edited it to look old and grungy.
App Recipe:  Shot with Sneakypix  Edited with Snapseed, Old Photo Pro, ScratchCam FX
© Geri Centonze

Her thoughts were elsewhere (Above)

She looked like she was from another time all dressed in her red suit at the Home Depot.  I thought I would make this look like an old photo from the 1950’s.
App Recipe:  Shot with Sneakypix  Edited with Snapseed, Old Photo Pro 

© Geri Centonze

Profile Portrait of Young Woman (Above)

App Recipe:  Shot with Sneakypix  Edited with Snapseed, Portrait Painter, Artist’s Touch, Pixlr-o-matic