Featuring the Unique Style of Mobile Artist Alain Vincent

Alain VincentI wish I could be inside the mind of Alain Vincent just for one day.  When you see the images and captions he’s written for them, you’ll understand why!

Alain’s gallery @alainvincent on Instagram was one of the first that caught my eye.  It was his unique style and thought provoking captions that lured me in.

Alain lives in British Columbia, Canada and has been posting daily on Instagram since August of 2012.  All of Alain’s photos are taken with his iPhone.  I wasn’t surprised to hear that he has a background as a painter.  It shows through in his images and only an experienced artist could add the strokes as masterfully as Alain does.

I am fascinated by Alain’s captions and asked it he edits them with a particular story in mind or if they “speak” to him after they’re completed.  Alain’s answer:  “When one works on an urgent mode as I do, there is little time for me to get in the way of the story, or the will of my hand...What comes out is ‘what is’, and I am as surprised as anybody else.  The fact is, when I post an image everyday there is a story that is willing to meet me halfway. It just gives birth to a very unpredictable narrative that needs me as much as I need it. ”

The app he uses to craft his pieces is Procreate.

As mobile photography gains a greater acceptance and wider audience, I do not doubt that Alain’s work will be featured in an exhibit somewhere, someday!
Now, venture into the creative world of Alain Vincent.

© Alain Vincent

(Above) The artist stands one foot in the world and one foot somewhere else.... Only music can come out of this unsustainable position.

© Alain Vincent

(Above) The wind reflected deeply over the thousands of voices he tyrannized over the years... he wondered if the Queen felt the same.

© Alain Vincent

(Above) The day before departure.

© Alain Vincent

(Above)  I have been lost two thousand times... Still every step I take you are right behind me.

© Alain Vincent

(Above) St. John told them to reassure the Queen that the Devil's accountant would deliver the vials...Keys or doors were never mentioned.

© Alain Vincent

(Above) Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known~ Oscar Wilde

© Alain Vincent

(Above) She asked,"Why do you keep going to the forest to wait for him?" Her friend replied, "The heart wants what it wants."

© Alain Vincent

(Above)  She explained to the son that his father wanted to ask for forgiveness, but the old man's lips no longer trusted words.

© Alain Vincent

(Above) ...and the wind worshippers came one by one to offer their voice for a few vials of Chaos.

© Alain Vincent

(Above)  He insisted there were no doors in the building, and keys were useless... they laughed at him and it echoed through the corridors.

© Alain Vincent

(Above)  As she was talking about the monthly budget, my mind evaporated into music.

© Alain Vincent

(Above) She said that once put into songs, the sad words would be harmless...Because she was so beautiful they almost believed her.

© Alain Vincent

(Above)  The Queen took great care to explain to him why he had to be executed.

© Alain Vincent

(Above)  Like words erased from a blackboard, he disappeared.

© Alain Vincent

(Above) The Queen cautioned the attendant regarding her predecessor's execution...but she lost herself in the Monarch's beauty.

To view more of Alain’s work, please visit his Instagram gallery @alainvincent.

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