Romantic Photo HD

This week I experimented a bit with a new app, Romantic Photo HD by Jixipix.  With 11 styles to choose from, you can set the mood of your photo in just a few minutes.

The user interface on the app is well organized.  Simply choose an effect and then select the variation within that effect.

Romantic Photo HD

I decided to see what I could do with this already beautiful professionally taken portrait of my daughter-in-law.  It certainly doesn’t need “fixing” but I wanted to see if I could change the mood using Romantic Photo HD

Original Image (below)

Original Image

For the first edit, I used the Dreamy Photo Effect V-02 variation (below)

Dreamy Photo Effect

2nd Edit Day Dream Effect with the Strong variation (below)

Day Dream Effect

3rd Edit using the Romantic Colors Effect – Green Variation (below)  You’ll notice just the green elements are in color.  Pretty cool!

Romantic Colors Effect

and for the final edit, I chose the Romantic Color Effect V-01 variation

Romantic Colors Effect

Using one more image from my son’s wedding, I chose this portrait of the two of them.

Original image (below) 

Original Image

I really love this photography just the way it is, but decided to see what would happen when I applied the Romantic Scene effect V-01 variation.  I like the glow and the darkened effect.  Definitely makes for a romantic mood.

Romantic Scene Effect

Each variation can be edited to add more or less of the effect.  As with all of the Jixipix apps that I’ve worked with, this is another one that I’ll keep in my camera bag!


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