Pixlr Express PLUS

Pixlr Express PLUSAs a huge fan of Pixlr-o-matic I was thrilled with the release of Pixlr Express PLUS which now adds basic functions like cropping, resizing, rotating images…adjusting exposure, removing red-eye, reducing noise to their great overlays, frames and lighting effects. 

The BEST thing about Pixlr Express PLUS is that you can now adjust the intensity of each of the effects.  In Pixlr-o-matic, you either apply an effect or remove it but now you can adjust exactly to your liking!  Hip Hip Hooray for Autodesk the makers of this app.  I did have it crash on me a couple of times but I’m sure they’ll be updating for any bug fixes.

The app is currently on sale for only 99-cents.  The price is going to go up, so grab it while it’s on sale for the celebration of the release!

Pixlr Express PLUS


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