The Art of Collaboration

Unique to the Instagram experience is the ability to connect with other artists and collaborate on a photograph.  It can involve just the photographer and a single editor or any number of photographers and editors to get a unique take on an image.

I have had the honor of getting permission to edit some really wonderful images from some of my favorite photographers.

Here are a few of my favorite collaborations.  The original photographer is credited under each image. Click on the image and you can see more of their photos at Instagram or EyeEm.

The first image below is an original by Richard @thelongsilence. For fans of his work, I have an interview coming up soon, so stay tuned!  The image was just brilliant in its original form, but I decided to add some mist, remove the vegetation, darken the sky and grunge it up!
Original Image by @thelongsilence
One of my newest collaborations was with Dan, @dr_semantic.  For this image I decided to make the guitarist in the mural pop. Dan is the founder of @collabstream on Instagram.
Original Photo by @dr_semantic
Luci stumbled upon this abandoned rusted car on an exploratory trip near her home and I'm so glad she allowed me to edit. I didn't change a lot, just added a bit of grunge and an HDR effect.
Original Photo by @lucizoe
One of my favorite portrait artists is Patrick St. Hilaire (@blacksmithpat on IG). Pat has become a dear friend online and I am captivated over and over by the images he takes of his beautiful family.
Original Photo by @blacksmithpat
Rick is the master of capturing beauty in abandoned placed and he so willingly shares his raw images for me to edit!
Original Photo by @rikkr
I love this photo! It's absolutely wonderful the way it is, but I decided to give it a bit more grunge.
Original Photo by @galvanized07 
Tim captured such a great moment here and I decided to give it a painterly spin.
Original Photo by Timothy Steffes
I did two edits of this image by Patrick St. Hilaire - the first was just a close up edit of his original and the second I did a double exposure using one of my images.
Original Photo by @blacksmithpat
If you're interested in collaborating with another artist, you may be surprised how receptive and willing most are to share their images. Just remember if you do post an edited image be sure to give photo credit to the original photographer.  Have fun!


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