FREE iPhoneography eBooks by Cynthia Louden

I love when I find useful information online, especially when it’s FREE!  Last night I stumbled upon two eBooks by Cynthia Louden that give DETAILED information on how she creates her iPhone Art.  Visit the site here and click on the Add to Cart buttons (they’re FREE!).
You’ll get over 70 pages in each PDF guide including step by step instructions and apps used.  You can add the eBooks to your iTunes library and view them on your iPhone or iPad too! 
How Did I Do That by Cynthia Louden

Sample PageHow Did I Do That by Cynthia LoudenSample Page
And if you’re a blogger or like to journal, she also has a FREE eBook, “A Year of Blogging and Journaling Ideas”. 
A Year of Blogging and Journaling Ideas
But wait, that’s not all…if you click on the Hula Hoop Press tab at the top of her blog, you’ll find FREE e-cards like the one below that you can send by dragging the images to an email! 

Thank you Cynthia for generously sharing your creativity with us!


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