IPA Quarterly Exhibit Extended Through December 14th

Due to the popularity of the IPA Quarterly exhibit, the gallery extended the stay of the installation until December 14th. If you are in or near the Los Angeles area, you still have time to visit the Santa Monica Art Studios.

It was quite a thrill for me to see my photo, "The Recital" exhibited along with the works of many of my friends.

© Geri Centonze
Me and The Recital © Geri Centonze
Gateway by David Ingraham

Leaves of Grey by Stefanie Le Pape (Top)
Sans Souci by Stefanie Le Pape (Bottom)

Channeling Atget #7 by Michelle Robinson

w o n d e r m e n t  by Catherine Restivo

The road to Mrs. Johnson by Nico Brons

Wheat Road by Cecily Mariece Caceu

Longing by Lola Mitchell

The Exhibit


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