Friday Favorites (A Day Late!) No. 17

This week I’m going to only include one image for my Friday Favorites.  This piece was created for the feature that Instagram’s @mobileartistry ran today.  I thought you may enjoy a more in-depth App Recipe on one image.
© Geri Centonze
Portrait of a Man
App Recipe:  For this image I first cropped it square in Snapseed and then bumped up the detail and tuned it a bit.
Next I used PhotoViva on just the background to get rid of details I didn't like and blended it with the Snapseed version using Sketch Club.
I took the Snapseed edit and did two different versions using Glaze. I combined the two Glaze images with the Snapseed/PhotoViva image blending and erasing sections of the three layers and saved to my camera roll.
The final step was some minor adjustments in Snapseed of the combined image (details bump and white balance).
Thanks to Lanie for the feature (@momma2maxh on Instagram)


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