Friday Favorites No. 16

2012-12-09 21.01.41
App Recipe:  Shot with ProCamera  Edited with Snapseed and InstaEffect FX HD

2012-12-10 21.28.03
Fall Flower (above)
 2012-12-13 12.30.17
App Recipe:  Shot with Sneakypix  Edited with Snapseed, Filtermatic, iColorama and Image Blender 
2012-12-13 21.55.29
App Recipe:  Shot with ProCamera  Edited with Snapseed, Photo FX, PS Express 
2012-12-14 11.14.21
Self-Portrait (above)
App Recipe:  Shot with ProCamera  Edited with Portrait Painter, Photo Artista Oil, ShockMyPic, Photo FX, PhotoCopier, PictureShow, Sketch Club and Snapseed


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