Friday Favorites No. 18 and Leaving Instagram

After the uproar caused when Instagram changed their terms, I made the decision to leave Instagram.  Although they have reversed their terms, there is still some wording that has many photographers concerned.  My main beef with Instagram has been the recent SPAM that has increased dramatically during my short time on the site.  In spite of the SPAM nuisance, during the five months since I joined IG, many friendships and connections were made, so I plan to continue to keep my account open to visit friends, but will be posting all of my work on Flickr and EyeEm
On to my Friday Favorites!
©Geri Centonze
Shopping Center (above)
App RecipeProCamera and Snapseed
©Geri Centonze
Cows (above)
App RecipeProCamera, Snapseed, Alt Photo
©Geri Centonze
Our Christmas Tree (above)

©Geri Centonze
Sharing Cookies (above)
App RecipeProCamera, Snapseed, Dramatic Black and White
©Geri Centonze
Talking to the Birds (above)
App RecipeProCamera, Painteresque, Snapseed, PS Express
And finally a collaboration at the request of Timothy Steffes who asked if I would edit one of his images.  I jumped at the chance and here is the result.  Roll over the image with your mouse to see Tim’s original photo.  You can see more of Tim’s work @timothysteffes on EyeEm and @dinobrasi on IG)
Collaboration Geri Centonze and Tim Steffes


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